In addition to all the recent posts involving art pieces that have an element of crime to them, I would like to point out that the occurrence of crime is often a powerful catalyst for moving artworks. This painting by Pablo Picasso, entitled Guernica, was created in response to a
Tag: crime

Graffiti is writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place. If done without permission from the property owner, it is considered defacement and vandalism. Graffiti may express underlying social and political messages and a whole genre of
Like Professor Kaplan said on his lecture, we have a fascination for crime. ON this clip, crimes such as rape and murder become art. This clip is a trailer for a documentary, it has strong images but it reminded me about the lecture when one of the speakers said that
Many people believe that graffiti is a crime but always seem to miss the beauty and messages that come with it. A lot of graffiti is created by someone with a artistic mind that can only fit their thoughts on a huge wall like this picture. this is located on

Hollywood movies such as Ocean’s Eleven, Catch Me If You Can, and The Godfather glorify crime and criminal behavior. In Ocean’s Eleven, a group of thieves rob a casino. The art of movie making has become increasingly interested in turning criminal behavior from socially unacceptable to socially desirable. In these
Often our society views hip-hop as a negative form of art and can lead to crime just by listening to it. In the song “Criminal” by Eminem, he talks about how society and the media portrays him as a criminal just because he has edgy and controversial lyrics in his

White collar crime is sometimes overlooked by the media with violence and other issues. In reality, these crimes affect more people than street crimes because they have more power and control over more people. One of the main issues is the media because they cover very little dealing with white

San Diego’s East Village used to be a place of prostitution, transients, drug dealing, and gang activity in the 1980’s and 1990’s. The unpainted electrical and utility boxes served as the marking points used to conduct illegal transactions and were the reference points of criminal activity. The painted electrical and

In the song “Stan” by Eminem he sings about a person named Stan who writes a letter to him as a fan. In the letter Stan compares himself to Eminem and the crimes that he raps about in his songs. Throughout the song Stan writes repeated letters to Eminem but

Ice in the Lyricists Blood and He Wants You to Feel His Personal Point of View by DKohen18 The song “Hail Mary” by Tupac Amaru Shakur is about Tupac himself. He poetically describes how he is a gangsta who won’t commit crime unless he is pushed to do so. Tupac