***TRIGGER WARNING: SHOOTINGS/SCHOOL SHOOTINGS/ISLA VISTA MASSACRE*** For many, May 23rd 2014 is a date they will remember for the rest of their lives. Six UC Santa Barbara students were murdered, and 14 were injured when a young man by the name of Elliot Rodgers went on a killing spree around
Tag: schoolshooting

It would seem tasteless, in the wake of the Oregon shootings, to ask anyone to relive them. As would it with any major shooting; for experiencing the event rather than the aftermath means interacting with the killer’s psyche in a manner likely unpleasant and certainly raw. Which leads us to

It’s sad to think that school shootings aren’t exactly uncommon to hear about. Just last year was the Isla Vista shooting and Newtown elementary school. These events are broadcasted for all of America to see, but what is that really doing? Is it education the public? Or is it helping

In US, there have been many school shootings. Most of them by white, young males. Many people like to avoid this fact and focus on issues such as gun control, but the truth is we must address this issue. Boys are brought up to be as strong as men. They