In this video, it shows that graffiti is an art form. To some, it is believed that graffiti is a creative work of art that are used to express emotion, tell a show, and show the heart and soul of the city, like described in the clip. The artist tag
Day: November 22, 2012

In the Mission District in San Francisco where I am from, we use paintings, graffiti, and murals to explain our heritage, our pain, and to acknowledge which gang is active in the area. They are everywhere. On apartments, fences, anywhere people can add art or graffiti at, they will do

This video is just a bunch of clips edited together to create a trippy video, but it shows how fast graffiti can go up and how it is always done by hoodlums. Does that make it crime just because that certain profile is doing the “art”?I always wondered if they
The above video shows Lil Wayne’s face tattoos. Lil Wayne has a couple of teardrop tattoos on his face. Many gangsters and convicts have the teardrop tattoo on their face under the eyes. This tattoo has many different meanings. Outside of the prison system it usually represents the loss of
The art of Hip-Hop can be great for conveying and telling a story. The song i chose in particular is called “Sexy Cyber” by Hopsin; the song is about a young female who met an individual online and planned on meeting this person for the first time. Not knowing that
What is the difference between graffiti and sidewalk art? Why do people normally see graffiti as a crime and sidewalk art as art? Both are done, completed, and showcased in public. Some artists have permits or permission and others do not. They both require immense amounts of time. Like most
The video game, Grand Theft Auto 4 is crime incarnate. You play as a criminal can commit several types of serious crime that isn’t just limited to grand theft auto, including murder, possession of illegal drugs and robbery .In this art form, you can commit heinous crimes and be free
Tattoos have been a form of expression throughout history. Society has associated tattoos with deviant behavior and with the gang culture. However, the tattoo culture did not form from gang members. As found in the website of Michigan State university, some state that tattoos have been found on Egyptian and
Warren Zevon was well known for having cynical themes in his songs that were sometimes upbeat and humorous. The song “Excitable Boy” is a prime example of this combination. It is a narrative that glamorizes a sociopathic boy’s life and crimes to a catchy cheery tune. Zevon emphasizes how people
In 2002, President George Bush disregarded the provisions established at the Geneva Convention claiming the protections of prisoners of wars did not apply to enemy combatants. He failed to define the term “humanely,” and the following years the United States military organization began to use excessive interrogation strategies in Guantanamo