“Son Discovers His Father’s Life of Crime Is Now a Work of Art by Warhol”

George Lawler was in for a major surprise when he found out that his father was the muse for proclaimed artist, Andy Warhol. Lawler was adopted at the age of 2 by his mother’s sister and her husband. At the age of 14 his adopted father told him that his real father was Thomas Francis (Duke) Connelly, one of New York’s most wanted criminals in 1962. Connelly received this title because he robbed Chase Manhattan Bank branch at gunpoint and made it away with $300,000. Going on the run with his wife, they abandoned their two children. Lawler was quoted saying, “I still can’t believe that my father, the bank robber, is associated with Andy Warhol. That completely blows my mind.” He gives off the impression that he is impressed by his father being a muse for Warhol. Which sparks the question, does a crime being portrayed in an artwork make it any less of a crime?

#georgelawler #andywarhol #art

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3 thoughts on ““Son Discovers His Father’s Life of Crime Is Now a Work of Art by Warhol”

  1. I believe a crime being portrayed in any type of art, does not make it any less of a crime. The way it is portrayed does not change the nature of the crime nor can it justify why it was committed in real life. It might give a certain perspective about the crime and make one think about it in different ways, but it should not cause one to endorse the criminal act itself. By using art, and artist can bring upon attention to a crime and have folks explore certain aspects around the crime.

  2. I believe a crime being portrayed in any type of art, does not make it any less of a crime. The way it is portrayed does not change the nature of the crime nor can it justify why it was committed in real life. It might give a certain perspective about the crime and make one think about it in different ways, but it should not cause one to endorse the criminal act itself. By using art, and artist can bring upon social awareness to a crime and shine light around certain aspects about the crime.

  3. I believe a crime being portrayed in any type of art, does not make it any less of a crime. The way it is portrayed does not change the nature of the crime nor can it justify why it was committed in real life. It might give a certain perspective about the crime and make one think about it in different ways, but it should not cause one to endorse the criminal act itself. By using art, and artist can bring upon social awareness to a crime and shine a light around certain aspects about the crime.

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