In order to protect her true identity, California officials gave her the pseudonym Genie. Genie, as the older generation may recall, has gained national publicity in the early 1970s for being the incredulous feral child and victim of extreme abuse, neglect, and social isolation. Held against her own will, the protagonist was incarcerated inside of her lifeless four wall bedroom for the critical period of her cognitive development, that is, starting from about 20 months of age and merging well into her early adolescence (approximately 14 years old). Her inability to verbally converse in combination with her underdeveloped locomotion are just two of the many implications that signify where she lies on her mental progression spectrum at the time she was captured. Her parents unjustifiable excuse for why they deliberately deprived her of both social interactions and tender affection in addition to physically confining her to a child’s potty by day and wire chicken’s cage by night was due, according to them, Genie’s external locus. To be more explicit, the feral child’s pediatrician speculated that she possessed mild mental retardation when inquired why she had not reached a development milestone by 20 months of age. For whomever disagrees with the parent’s rational for why they had committed a moral transgression, what do you think should be the restorative justice for this respective couple?

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