On April 27th, controversy arose when the Polish press published reports that three works by female artists had been removed from the galleries at the National Museum in Warsaw. The art, by prominent artist Natalie LL, showing a young woman eating a banana was removed because of a critique
Month: May 2019

We are all aware of the infamous serial killers like Zodiac Killer, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and the list goes on. But what is even more interesting? The fact that there are videos, articles, movies and books about these people. These movies are still being made, in fact Dahmer had

Last Sunday Kanye West performed at Coachella on Easter Sunday for Sunday gospel. While the whole performance revolved around the religious experience, Kanye also was selling merchandise at Coachella. The merchandise stand said “church clothes”. The clothing that was being sold was socks for $50, t-shirts for $70, and sweatshirts

A group of activists that go by “InDecline” condemned the separation of migrant children from their parents by ICE by vandalizing a massive San Francisco-area billboard. The sign originally wrote “We make junk disappear” but altered to say “we make kids disappear” signed by ICE. The group of activists wrote

If we translate the poster in the pictures of Foundation ALS from Dutch to English it says: ’Ik ben inmiddels overleden’ which means ‘In the meantime I died’. Yes, you’re reading it correct: the people in the picture sadly lost their fight against ALS and they passed away. Foundation ALS
Through out the 1940s and 1950s, Frances Glessner Lee, who was a pioneer in forensic science, constructed a series of nineteen doll house styled crime scene models that were one inch to one foot scale. These models were inspired by other homicide, suicide, and accidental death cases. At the time,
We all have heard at least one rap or hip hop song where they are talking about the usage of illegal drugs or even a murder of someone. But, have we ever stopped to think about how these rappers, hip hop artists, and the writers of these songs are admitting

Since the Netflix special on Ted Bundy aired earlier this year, a fascination with Ted Bundy has spread across social media. The serial killer is known for killing more than 30 people in the 70’s. Back in the 70’s people were appalled that Ted Bundy was a serial killer, believing

In November of 2016, South African artists Nondumiso Msimanga and Jenny Nijenhuis created this public art installation with 3,600 pairs of used underwear that ran through 4,000 feet of washing line. The underwear hung above the streets of Johannesburg (the largest city in South Africa) and represented the 3,600 rapes

We can all agree that charity is good, helping others is good, and if you can help someone in need you definitely should. Nonprofit organizations and charities often use very persuasive commercials that tug at your heart strings to increase their donations. But when does it start to cross the