The song “Bloodbath in Paradise,” by Ozzy Osbourne, is a song about the murders committed by the Charles Manson family. Ozzy Osbourne’s album, “No Rest for the Wicked,” is said to be compiled of songs that he wrote that has to do with people’s wrongful doings, and deaths. This whole

Ice in the Lyricists Blood and He Wants You to Feel His Personal Point of View by DKohen18 The song “Hail Mary” by Tupac Amaru Shakur is about Tupac himself. He poetically describes how he is a gangsta who won’t commit crime unless he is pushed to do so. Tupac

It appears as if the media has drawn our attention to the bad behavior of celebrities and reality television stars. The reason being because it is exciting, interesting, and undoubtedly catches our attention. Society has norms and when one breaks a norm, they are seen as deviant and frowned upon.

For many crews and gang members they see graffiti as art not a crime. It helps them express social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression. Gangs also like to mark their territory or to serve as an indicator of gang-related activities also known as ‘tagging’. For
During the beginning of April, 2003 and event occurred in Firdos Square that changed the lives of thousands of Iraqis in Baghdad. There was a statue of Saddam Hussein that stood about the height of four men that resembled his power over the people but, to the people, he was
Too many people tagging and graffiti is a way to express themselves. They do it to mark their territory or to give respect to other taggers/gang members. I knew tagging and vandalizing property was illegal, but I never knew how seriously it was taken. The FBI has a specific Art
This song titled, I’m sorry mama, by rapper Eminem, is a song that he writes about his relationship he had with his mother as a child. He expresses out his anger and tells her everything he wanted her to know. He speaks his frustration out and tells the world how

The band Megadeth portrays lawless life as something exciting. Their song public enemy #1 shows a character that is always persecuted by law officials for all the heinous acts that he has committed. The character has stolen cars,killed people, and done many bank heists. The song could be a reference