Is cooking an art? This question is something to be pondered on because how can a basic skill that everyone should have be considered an art? I am arguing that the creation of new recipes should be considered an art because the taste is a sense that we too often

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As kids, we grow up fearing sharks, but who is more in danger? After watching movies like Jaws and The Meg, humans are trained to think that sharks are at the top of the food chain, but one delicacy in China has completely changed the species. Since the 14th Century,

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  On April 27th, controversy arose when the Polish press published reports that three works by female artists had been removed from the galleries at the National Museum in Warsaw. The art, by prominent artist Natalie LL, showing a young woman eating a banana was removed because of a critique

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Everyone loves cookies, but how would you feel about a cookie with a special ingredient. That special ingredient being someone’s grandfather’s ashes. Sounds good, right? A high school student at Da Vinci Charter Academy in Davis, California brought cookies to her school and gave them to her classmates; however, she

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I am fascinated by how much Americans seem to be okay with knowing there is dangerous chemicals everywhere and even not knowing necessarily what ingredients are in their food. My cheese ingredients should say something like “aged-milk”, not stuff like “Thiamine Mono-nitrate or “Xanthan Gum”, or other names of things

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