Dating back to ancient civilizations, tattoos have been used as a way to show expression, status, and belonging. Today, they are particularly significant in gang cultures as they serve as a sign of loyalty and identity. This article will delve deep into the origins of gang tattoos and the evolution
Tag: tattoos
The war of terror initially started in 2005 and was Americas response to the horrid events of 9/11. An influx of troops was needed to fight the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, but the military struggled to meet the extremely high demand for soldiers. The need for military power was

The permanent etching into one’s skin seems to be becoming an increasingly common practice in the 21st century. With the desistance of the “dangerous tattooed person” taboo within most of western culture, it seems that wherever one goes there is always a tattoo to admire for its beauty and for
Tattoos today are more common now than they were in the history of tattoos. Today, we can se kids starting at 16, with the consent of their parents, getting their first tattoos. Even then, the yo get one you more than lay want another. But do the number of tattoos

Mara Salvatrucha also know as MS-13, and Mara is one of the world’s dangerous gangs. Most of the members have tattoos in order to identify themselves with the gang. In order to join the gang all members must beat up the person who wants to join and if you’re part

The practices of body art date back thousands of years, with some of the oldest evidence of tattooing dating back about 6,000 years. Body modification in ancient times differed depending on the society it was practiced in, but it is believed that it ranged from sacred and religious practices to

Self-harm has been a controversial topic for a long time. It is associated with certain mental illnesses’ and is, for the most part, frowned upon in society. The mindset that an individual must possess to engage in self-harm is one that we as a society try to change and help
This article discusses a Paralympic swimmer who was disqualified from race due to a visible tattoo. The tattoo in question located on the athletes chest and depicted a symbol representing his team. The disqualification was justified under the claim that he was in violation of a rule stating that no
This video is yet another proof of how art shapes criminality and how criminality shapes art. A teardrop tattoo is a perfect example of the effects of criminal world on societal cognition and perception. Indeed, rap culture made a common for prisoners teardrop tattoo popular among the general public. In

The art of tattooing has become mainstream in today’s society. As tattoos are slowly starting to possess a primarily aesthetic purpose, it is easy to lose sight of the representative value tattoos have had in the past. For incarcerated criminals, the purpose of tattoos is merely in their function; they