Recently, artist Jillian Mayer photoshopped her face onto 400 nude selfies she found on the internet. The artist did this in an attempt to “universalize the nude selfie.” After doing research on naked selfies, Mayer felt “The tip that I found most interesting was to not show your face. Basically,
Day: November 11, 2014

In Rick Ross’ lyrics in the song You Don’t Even Know It, he mentions drugging and raping a woman. Even though this caused a huge scandal and had a few repercussions for Rick Ross, there was no real debate or change in how rappers rap about women. This form of
Rebecca More, a porn star, is traveling the UK for her new show. The show is for Television X and it follows her around England while she meets men and women. But she is not just talking to these people, she is sleeping with them. More than 2,000 men, women,
A lot of recent art has been very controversial, especially with the topic of street art. But what about contracted art pieces? Why is there controversy for getting what was expected? In celebration of the Civil Rights Movement, a U.S. organization commissioned a large statue of Dr. Martin Luther King
In 2008, almost all people age 12-17 played video games in the United States, making it an incredibly profitable market. However, there have been accusations against this gaming market stating that violent games are partially responsible for America’s youth becoming violent in the real world. After all 10 out of
A recent push for the use of technology has enabled a crossover between art and crime. A FaceSketchID system has been created at Michigan State University that scans forensic sketches and juxtaposes them with current mug shots in the police database. It is said to become an asset in cases

This group presents the dichotomy of fiction versus reality in society’s frustrations. Yomango, slang for I steal in Spanish, is a movement that uses shoplifting to disrupt and rebel against the commercial system. states that “stealing (labor, time, ideas, lives) is what transnationals do. What Yomango does is ethical

This article is about the passing of Leonard Knight, the creator of Salvation Mountain. In the early 1980’s Knight was driving through the desert when he came across a hill in the community Slab City and decided to “express his pent up religious devotion.” He used adobe, straw, and gallons

Forgery is a crime that is intrinsically artistic. Looking here at the film Catch Me If You Can (2002), you can see how Frank, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, really creates a work of art in forging checks. Forgery is a notable artistic form of crime because it takes a lot

Article: National Report of Bansky’s arrest: A few weeks ago an article was published stating that the famous street artist Bansky had been arrested after a “24-hour Anti Graffiti Task Force” caught a suspicious group of 5 people leaving a scene of vandalism. They then claimed that they