The barrier between Israel and Palestine represents more than just a separation between two territories. Since the creation of Israel, both sides have fundamentally abhorred one another and in recent news have acted out their disgust by destroying both cities with bombs. One way it seems the proclaimed citizens of

White collar crime is sometimes overlooked by the media with violence and other issues. In reality, these crimes affect more people than street crimes because they have more power and control over more people. One of the main issues is the media because they cover very little dealing with white
Immortal Technique is an underground rapper, but people that are quite fond of underground rap music or know some songs definitely know the song “Dancing with the Devil” by Immortal Technique is a powerful song. In the song it is a story about a kid whose passion is to be
Skrewdriver is a well known racist band in the skinhead subculture. Not to be confused with “traditional skinheads” versus “neo-nazi skinheads”. Their songs typically preach white pride, hate, and violence. Although it is not wrong to be proud of being white, the use of hate and violence is frowned upon
In this short clip, it shows how many others see graffiti as an art form. But others, such as business owners are furious and call graffiti a crime. The art form that takes to make graffiti an “art” takes much effort and skills in formulating such design and image. I
When I ask around town and some friends, I ask,” Have you ever gone to Chicano Park Day?” Most say no whats that. Other people just say isn’t that the park with all the graffiti under the coronado bridge. I say yes, but it is not the park with all
There are many differing views on the subject of animal hunting, with hunters seeing it as a form of art and PETA protestors perceiving it as barbaric. Those who are for hunting, say that it is a form of art because of the skills and techniques that it requires hunters
In this photo you can see the many tattoos that lil wayne and many other people seem to have. Many associate the teardrop tattoo under one’s eye as having killed a person. The number of tears depend on how many victims you have had. The tear drop originated from the
Art can be interpreted by different people in different ways. Art can even be used in different ways than the artist originally intended. The way a person views art will depend on their religion, race, history, and age. Muslims may look at a picture of The Bible in a toilet